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Well I guess we might as well get straight to the point -this month is hot love/money action!

Because the mating season vibe from February continues, with Venus/Mars in exact, gloriously romantic embrace early March. Especially exact on Pluto for a primal, sexy energy to heat things up big time. Everyone is feeling it, and for you it’s in your 8th house of sex, deep emotional intimacy and lucrative money magic…

So if you’re in lust/entertaining a magnetic new attraction; could be ready to move way beyond just physical sexy times, with the courage to feel the feelings… and maybe transformative, true love blossoms if you’re into it?

Or to be honest, if you want a smoking affair just for thrills -yes, could be a memorable moment of madness coming up?

And if partnered, in love already? I’m just saying it’s re-discovering your hot bedwork/physical passion that brings your devoted love even closer. You have a home for your heart with your lover, maybe revealed in sweet pillow talk?

Or ok, if things are tetchy between you, the emo could be rising up big time right now! It’s kind of a choice between feeding the drama, or clearing the air in a constructive way, know what I mean?

Also this is genius astro for schmoozing lucrative, mutually beneficial biz & financial negotiations. I mean ok this could trigger ongoing power trips about money, with Pluto lurking in your 8th house for ages; but honestly if you were ever going to finesse family/partner cash management, or fab biz partnership, Venus/Mars for the next few months is perfect to get it right.

Especially the New Moon of March 3rd, on lucky Jupiter in your professional sector. It’s like a flash of spectacularly positive affirmation, about how much you can achieve at work if you keep your intentions high end and crystal clear. And syncing radical Uranus, for bang on instincts about effective innovation at work.

Then all that deep, promising love action going on reveals it’s broadest potential, with Venus/Mars into your expansive adventure sector from the 6th. You allow your relationship to grow, unencumbered by too many expectations and enjoy the ride of liberated, open ended connection. Or if single, you realise optimum dating action is way outside your normal stomping ground... maybe unexpected attraction somewhere you don’t usually hang out?

Then the Full Moon of the 18th, in your domestic sector brings your attention to the kind of home base that supports all this open-ended growth. A nice time to lush up family relationships and make your home a lovely place to be, huh?

Image: Kuniyoshi Kaneko


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