So the New Moon of Nov 1st, in your social sector begins the month. With a keen eye on where you align yourself, in terms of collective dynamics right now:
I mean this could reveal that do admit, you can be a bit of a status anxiety bitch-in terms of being aligned with the most desirable crowd on the scene? And ok, your charisma is a thing right now-to strut around moving & shaking, hustling fab networking opportunities. Especially with Mercury involved you are so damn articulate & persuasive-why not work it advantageously?
Also you get a grip, as a genuinely relevant influencer-how important is your sense of personal integrity. You take whatever authority & clout you have in the world seriously, with a sense of responsibility to do the right thing. Especially as the world is apparently going batshit crazy right now-this Moon helps you align with your role as the mature adult in the room, doing your best to help the rest of us get our act together. And not necessarily your normal reputation, as being so uptight & conservative about it…
Mercury in your 11th opposite Uranus in your 5th house of self expression, for this Moon. The more you lean into your most radical tendencies & innovative creative talent, you are wildly articulate & persuasive about it. With all the interesting people to share genuinely intelligent, intellectual debate with. Also Mercury into your 12th/soul sector from Nov 2nd, to come through with some spooky, Sea Goat wisdom. To reveal your mystical side… but it’s always pragmatic, magic realism of course.
Your ruler Saturn in your 3rd house of ideas & communication, direct from Nov 19th -reveals how much you’ve been interrogating your own belief systems lately, with that hardcore mental discipline of yours. So you are totally qualified by now, to be as weird as you want, because you know the courage of your convictions stand up to scrutiny.
So we need to talk about how Pluto in your sign, for the last 15 years has been the ultimate learning curve, about personal integrity. You’ve faced all the challenges, that might have thrown you off course:
Your usual affinity with dealing with external power trips in the world, has confirmed you can hold your own with the best of them-even under maximum stress. And even better, you’ve come to terms with how much you are master/mistress of your own Destiny. Even when confronted with your own dramas or self-destructive patterns you’ve dealt with it-realising your own power to actualise wise choices and phoenix into a radiant new chapter of your life-that you get to create!
Because the big news this month is Pluto finally out of your hair, completing this extreme phase of personal transformation from Nov 20th. Finally, a chance to catch your breath and give yourself credit for all that hard work. You’ve come a long way, baby!
The better to approach Pluto into your 2nd house of values & personal prosperity from late Nov-for the next 20 years! Everything you have learned about your healthy, life affirming desires has you ready to create empowering, lucrative ways to realise them in real life. Manifesting magic is your new superpower, and plenty of time to get it right, for the next 20 years…
So meanwhile Venus in Capricorn, from Nov 12th is a nice clue-about working your good looks, charm, sexy charisma and natural talent advantageously this month.
Which you get to have a good time with, for the Full Moon of Nov 16th in your 5th house of talent, play & creative self expression. Conjunct Uranus and opposite Sun in your social sector, this Moon picks up on the exciting frisson we spoke about earlier-as you wield your influence on game-changing collective dynamics. Or at least have fun, surprising your friends with just how spontaneous & unexpectedly radical you can be.
And speaking of radical authenticity. Mars in a rare, extended transit of your 7th, love/partner sector from early Sept till April. Fires up your mating magic-more likely to attract hot blooded attention from your partner, lover or a promising new attraction.
Meanwhile Mars into your 8th house from Nov 4th, to spend 2 months digging deeper-into the passions, courageous intimacy and ok, any tricky conflict being revealed right now. So the emotional intensity ramps up this month. A great opportunity to keep it real, with special loved ones right?
Image: unable to find original credit for this fabulous image.