So we’ve been talking about how brilliant Venus lingering in Capricorn, for an unusually long time from early Nov till early March is; you are so in touch with your splendid talent, creative expression & shiny authenticity in the world, just by being you.
As well as gorgeous desirability, charm & romantic wiles-you’re hot property and you know it.
Especially because the mating season vibe from February continues, with Venus/Mars in exact, gloriously romantic embrace early March -on Pluto for primal, sexy energy to heat things up big time. Everyone is feeling it, and for you it’s in your sign for particularly fabulous romantic action…
Just saying, if you were ever going to reach out to your lover/partner with passionate intent, or if single/on the prowl magnetise a truly promising attraction- it’s looking good right now!
And the New Moon of March 3rd in your communication sector, bang on loquacious Jupiter; for inspiring flirty moments with someone who gets what you’re on about could be an intellectual turn on-that becomes hot & bothered at warp speed, with a sexy Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction exact. So how good is like minded, emotionally intelligent conversations with someone you’re into, for romantic thrills?
Also this New Moon is all about your ideas/belief system; and on lucky, philosophical Jupiter and Mars/Pluto strengthening your resolve -thinking positive thoughts is ridiculously transformative and empowering! Yes I know positive thinking can be a cliché, but honestly you’ve got so much gritty mental discipline to turn clear, self-aware intentions into tangible outcomes this month.
Then Venus/Mars into your income sector from the 6th, to manifest your values into cold hard cash for the rest of the month. Especially with Mercury on your ruler Saturn early March, to bring your natural gift of smart financial planning & savvy financial negotiations way up to scratch. Yes if you have any schemes going on, to finance the plans that matter, you’re totally onto it right now!
Then the Full Moon of the 18th, in your expansive vision sector is a cracker; with magical Neptune, truth-seeker Jupiter and clever Mercury in your ideas sector. To awaken your most weird & wonderful dreams, with a meaningful sense of purpose, positive spin on why you deserve to chase them and get the details right whilst you’re at it. So good, to open your mind to the most expansive potential of whatever you’re on about this month.
And nurturing Ceres, in your health/day job sector says self-care makes all the difference here. The more you nourish your physical wellbeing, and the productive daily habits you are so famous for, the more you thrive; obviously.