So your New Year begins with Venus in your sign trining Mars in your fun, talent & romance sector on the 10th, shining light on your delicious self-assurance, talent, beauty, romantic charisma & harmonious relating. Feels like permission to actually enjoy yourself this month, whilst you explore your full potential in the world:
Because then the Capricorn New Moon of the 13th is a cracker, to awaken your healthy, hungry lust for life! I mean it’s bang on Pluto, for the primal courage to reconcile the dark & light aspects of your desire nature. And rather than waste time on bourgeois ideals of what you should be etc; just get on with being the best, most integral & fully conscious version of who you actually are…
Because also Mars in your self-expression sector square your ruler Saturn in your sign is all about the swagger of rocking your brilliance, spunky self-promotion and sexy romantic chemistry with whoever you’re into –as long as you keep it real, follow through with integrity and with Uranus involved an open mind to the wild, transformative new opportunities you are calling in.
Especially with lucky Jupiter on your ruler Saturn, for a game changing chance at accelerated, expansive, positive personal growth to seize a fab new chapter of your life. I mean you won’t be able to control-freak the outcome as much as you would like, lol, but maybe that’s the point? To embrace the great unknown with sheer, exuberance confidence; because you are able to be open, dare I say vulnerable enough enough to accept the thrills & spills for what they are, and keep having fun with however it rolls, just because you can! Gosh this so liberating -well done you.
Then the Full Moon of the 29th is kind of an emotional awakening, in your 8th house of sex, intimacy &personal entanglements. Because with this Leo Moon opposite lucky Jupiter exactly on the Leo ruling Sun; your golden confidence shines through your closest connections. You trust your feelings, the better to share them with genuine warmth & easy affection –especially triggering the sparky, spunky Mars/Uranus/Lilith action in your romance sector & super-passionate Venus/Pluto in your sign. So if you feel it you mean it, and if not you’re moving right along to better things; because your ruler Saturn is involved to keep your relational instincts sharp, with fierce quality control re who you choose to love right?
New Year Resolution: I expand beyond my comfort zone & perceived limitations, to become the gorgeous embodiment of my full potential & have some fun with life already! I no longer need to control freak every aspect of my life, I open up to universal flow & I am rewarded with the right opportunities turning up with perfect synchronicity-sweet!