The month begins with Venus approaching a conjunction with caring Ceres in Capricorn, as you are literally curled up in a ball, saying is it really true-that Pluto is finally out of my sign, forever??? Thank fuq for that!
Yes is true, after 15 years of confronting personal growth, you get to reflect on just how powerful, self aware and courageous you are by now about being your true self. It feels so good to have completed this process, with a gold star for karmic growth and being a fully accredited, master/mistress of your own Destiny adult. You love this! But still, you’re also kind of exhausted right now, and deserve a moment of respite and beautiful self care, that Venus/Ceres are offering this month.
Whether profound moments of self acceptance/nurturing your physical wellbeing with positive healthcare or lushing out with simple pleasures to feel good. I mean maybe just getting your nails done or whatever, feels like rising into your new, best look for this new stage of your life?
Also better to embrace the New Moon of Nov 1st in your 12th/soul sector:
Normally you might be frustrated, having to slow down & look within for divine/creative inspiration-being so busy hustling practical/worldly progress as your default setting? But right now it feels nice, a form of self care to prioritise your spiritual practice-even if it just means tuning out from the white noise of external expectations for a moment, to commune with your muse in privacy, know what I mean?
Also this Moon joins Mercury retrograde in your 12th, opposite Jupiter retro in your practical 6th house. The more you give yourself permission to focus on your own, meaningful priorities, that you are wrangling with as you evolve -you’ve earned the right to be fully intentional, rather than just reacting to external stimulus, right? The more you are ok with any temporary delays on the day job. You get this could be a chance to finesse the next move, with intelligent instincts about what you really want to achieve. Rather than forcing progress, just for the sake of the hustle, know what I mean?
And the real gold here is getting how connected your physical health & vitality is with your emotional/mental/spiritual health. The intelligence to slow down, and cultivate a truly holistic sense of wellbeing is so good!
Especially by the Full Moon of Dec 15th, conjunct Jupiter retro in your practical 6th house. You adore the 6th, where you get to feel in control of your choices. As in embodied, emotional intelligence about healthy daily habits sets you up to be the clean, lean success machine you are all about. I mean Jupiter here can be healthy appetite for pleasure, you ideally enjoy in moderation. In order to also focus the positive Jupiter energy on thriving-a bit of discipline about your health regime & fulfilling work ethic goes a long way, here. Lucky this is your natural thing, right?
Also this Moon & Jupiter square your ruler Saturn & Neptune, in your 3rd house of ideas and communication:
Saturn direct in your 3rd last month, was great to get your story straight. Fact checking your own attitude, to keep your critical thinking on point. The better to keep your conversations crystal clear-if you’re going to be immaculate with your word you expect everyone else to be just as rational and straight up, right? Fair enough…
Also, now you have Neptune, direct in your 3rd from Dec 9th. Revealing your more intuitive, sea goat wisdom. Especially after the New Moon in your 12th, you’re down with your mystical genius. Maybe gut instincts are a thing, to act upon just because they feel so right, sans so much headfuq analysis?
And same goes for certain dialogues, where subtle cues are much more revealing than stating the obvious? I mean this could be a savvy way to deal with any tricky negotiations, reading between the lines advantageously. Also mutual empathy with one another, to appreciate whatever emotional ambivalence you are all dealing with. Maybe Neptune reveals any slippery trickery from certain people, you can spot instantly, or even your own little white lies, to keep an eye on? And ideally, Neptune reveals the high frequency of unconditional love… accepting one another with all your human flaws & contradictions. Nice one!
Because Mars, in your 8th house of deep emotional/sexy intimacy & financial entanglements, is keeping it real. The courage to be passionate where possible & assertive when necessary, for genuinely empowering connections. And ok, Mars retro from Dec 8th means you may have to revisit certain dramas, that have been playing out but that’s ok. Is worth the effort to dig deep, coming to terms with the intense feelings being revealed right now. The Cap reputation as an intelligent, subtle lover with integrity is on fire.
Image: Kate Moss for Peter Lindberg