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Venus in your home turf, the 4th house of home, family & domestic sanctuary begins Oct opposite lucky Jupiter in your career sector. Pretty nice, to feel supported by a healthy home base to chase your professional goals this month.

Especially the Full Moon of Oct 10th, in your career sector on the healer Chiron, opposite Venus/Sun in your home sector:

Kind of feels like to the extent Chiron reveals any existential questions, or insecurities about what you are doing with your life? You figure out that trusting your bang-on instincts is more than enough.

Not so much micro-managing an officially successful plan right now, as a meaningful sense of professional purpose that’s good for your soul. The balance between a fulfilling sense of accomplishment at work, with time to enjoy your personal life as well is the real success story, right?

And the more your supportive family/tribe/shacked up partner have your back as you thrive in the world, the more you appreciate them, and nurture them in return. And a comfortable, beautiful home is the perfect place to cultivate your creative genius -as you well know.

Then Venus trine Mars, Oct 18th is gorgeous, easy romance at home.

I mean Mars hiding out in your soul sector for ages this year has you in stealth, introverted mode-more energised by tuning into your spiritual/creative muse behind the scenes, than seeking attention in the world. So the ideal lover is attuned to your need for plenty of solo time, to attend to your own cosmic musings & spiritual practice:

Maybe a partner to share domestic harmony, as you both go about your business doing whatever turns you on -then meet at the end of the day for cuddles on the couch, sharing private dreams & brainstorming inspirational plans together.

Maybe, if single/on the prowl on the dating scene? Your ideal crush is fascinated by your mysterious devotion to your spiritual/creative process. And comes over for hot dates at home to turn you on -not so much demanding drama or distracting you from your core purpose, know what I mean?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like you are doing shallow hook ups or being distant with your special someone because fear of intimacy/commitment.

Venus is also square passionate Pluto in your love sector/trine serious Saturn in your sex/intimacy sector mid month. Quite the balance between healthy emotional boundaries, scary/sexy vulnerability, genuine commitment and big, passionate love with someone you truly desire.

So yeah, mid Oct is quite revealing about the subtleties of whoever you need space from, and whoever fills your cup to love large. Even apart from romance, same goes for family, biz and social dynamics. Your natural emotional intelligence, that you are so famous for is so on point here.

Then the New Moon of Oct 25th is a Partial Solar Eclipse, in your 5th house of talent, self expression and play -exactly conjunct Venus!

So good to harness your natural talent, to get even better at what you do, with next level confidence for shameless self promotion. Such a perfect moment to shine in the world, just because you can.

And so good to have a good time, doing whatever fun stuff you enjoy with the people you enjoy spending time with-just because it feels good to be alive! Late Oct is permission to smell the roses, and embrace joyful moments however they present themselves…lovely.

Image: unable to find original credit for this lovely picture.


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