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Yay, you are one of the signs most likely to enjoy the astro of Venus & Mars changing signs this month -it’s pretty sweet as follows:

Mars into your 5th house of fun, good times, creative talent & personal confidence, from Nov 1st is a fabulous vibe to begin the month. It’s all about permission to play; the better to be your natural self in the world, show off doing what you’re really good at and appreciate the simple pleasures -that cultivate an affirmative, positive attitude to life. Could be as basic as quality time with loved ones, just because it’s important to feel connected & share the joy right? Could be some grand creative venture, that you need to back with maximum self-belief/shameless self promotion etc…yes you are allowed to shine your light in this crazy world, just so you know!

So the New Moon of Nov 5th in your fun 5th house, just as clever Mercury joins Mars is a lovely, fresh clarity to turn you on.

Maybe an intelligent new perspective on your current creative endeavours, to get the details right & next-level finesse whatever you’re on about. Because with this Moon opposite maverick/sparky Uranus in your social sector; you’re either excited about expressing yourself & feel you have something inspiring to contribute the cultural zeitgeist, or kind of techy/combative because you feel you are odds with the crazy world out there -know what I mean?

And maybe clear communication with your favourite people, the ones that bring you joy because you can just be your true self around them, and they adore you for it…

Which brings us to Venus in your love sector from the New Moon of Nov 5th till early March -4 whole months of feeling good about your most important relationships!

If you have a partner/special someone, so much more likely to enjoy easy, harmonious dynamics to get along-and maybe renew the romantic chemistry that brought you together in the first place. If you have a lover dawdling on the sidelines, so much more likely they are ready to come at you with next level interest, to explore the romantic potential. If single/on the dating scene, so much more likely to meet someone gorgeous with perfect, easy synchronicity and flirt it up-this could be a promising attraction for sure! Yes Cancerian mating season is beautifully auspicious here, and all you have to do is trust that natural emotional intelligence of yours, to let whoever desires lovely you reveal themselves.

And same goes for key family/friends/biz relationships, especially with Jupiter/Saturn recently direct in your 8th house of personal entanglements, to really know the special tribe who really have your back no matter what. Even if romance aint your thing right now -you get to embrace whatever wonderful, inspiring human connection turns you on. One way or another, you are so loved & not alone right now!

Then the Full Moon of the 19th, with Uranus in your social sector opposite Mars in your self-expression sector, oh my goodness you are so fired up to assert your brilliance in the world. Amazing to feel the buzz with the crew that get you, for cool networking opportunities. And for any weirdos trying to cramp your style, you are too busy being brilliant to bother bickering with them right?

Image: unable to find original credit for this lovely picture.


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