So I guess we need to talk about your ruler Mars, digging his heels in your 4th house right now, for an extended stay until April-your next birthday season. Mars directs your considerable energy and determination wherever it is most required, and the 4th is all about your home:
Can be your actual abode, creating the sanctuary you want to live in, as best you can with whatever your current circumstances. Maybe in a position to make some positive property choices, about where and how you want to live?
And family dynamics, unlocking deep seated emotional issues that have been around for a while as well as harmonising domestic relationships, moving forward. I mean ok, Mars tends to stoke any latent conflict, and do admit you can have sensitive, spoiling-for-a-fight trigger points? Obviously much better is your innate courage, to clear the air with healthy honesty and thrash out how everyone’s needs can be met? As much as you can be a bitch when provoked, you are nothing if not fierce when looking after the people you care about!
Mars brings the confidence to be affirmative about all this, wrangling the best version of your current scenario. And you have until Feb, so plenty of time to work it out…
Meanwhile I’ve emphasised the relational aspect of this, because the month begins with the New Moon of Oct 3rd, in your 7th house of love & partnership. And this is a Solar Eclipse, so the feelings coming up are so intense and revealing!
Yes square Mars in your 4th, to really bring all the family dynamics we just spoke about into focus. Also this activates all of your key relationships-love, romance, sexy passion, friendship, creative & professional collaborations. Conjunct Mercury & Lilith, for intelligent communication with mutual respect, for everyone’s unique point of view:
Venus in your sexy 8th house, certainly brings the passion when it comes to romance. If you’re in love, you get to keep it sweet with beautiful vulnerability. If dating, more likely to have a seduction moment, with someone potentially special. And maybe more likely to happen on home turf, with your shacked up partner or inviting someone new, into your boudoir?
Jupiter in your 3rd/communication sector, for such positive ideals, to share with everyone. Also Jupiter retrograde from Oct 9th, maybe an opportunity to interrogate your opinions, because there’s always more to learn. And the mutual humility to learn from one another, as you go?
And healer Chiron, with the Destiny Point in Aries opposite this Eclipse. Nurturing yourself is important for healthy self-care, accepting where you are right now in all your human vulnerability, as a springboard to embracing renewed vitality as you navigate whatever physical, emotional & spiritual healing journey is going on. The better to show up with genuine authenticity, in your key relationships. Self aware about the love you have to share, and receive with your loved ones-and communicate honestly about it.
Also flourish as a success machine, on your own terms. With the Destiny Point revealing your most meaningful, exciting sense of purpose in the world.
Especially Pluto direct, in your 10th, brilliant career sector from Oct 12th. I mean after 15 years in your 10th, Pluto has fully revealed your powerful professional potential. To phoenix through any power trips in your public life, and transform your vocational vision into it’s full, lucrative manifesting magic, to make good coin doing meaningful work. But maybe Pluto dithering in the last degrees of your 10th, for several months has been driving you crazy-like am I on the right track or what?? Pluto direct from mid Oct till late Nov is so good, for the confidence finally charge forward with any vocational plans you still want to nail. So auspicious, to go forth and shine!
Perfect timing, for the Aries Full Moon of Oct 17th:
Conjunct Chiron in Aries, for next level emotional intelligence about holistic wellbeing. And unconditional compassion for yourself-you are allowed to be brilliant and thrive in the world, even with all your human flaws and all. The kind of militant, superhuman strength you tend to expect of yourself-maybe not so necessary here?
And opposite Sun conjunct Lilith, in your love sector. Yes you can bitch it up, with any lovers being provocative. But even better clear the air and keep it real, if you are lucky enough to have someone as spunky as you, for the kind of passion that comes from mutual respect.
Image: Love Warriors.