So how about Venus joining Lilith, in your 5th house for the last several months? I mean the 5th house, about coming to terms with your innate talent, creative bliss and showing off your brilliance in the world is totally your thing, as such a spectacularly confident creature.
So Venus has adored spending so long here, to work the creative process to perfection, and radiate your natural charisma like a charm.
And Lililth says you aint people pleasing, or compromising your creative vision just to be popular. More your natural, contrarian proclivity, to express yourself only on your own terms-whatever anyone thinks, right?
Now Lilith/Venus join forces, as they swan into your practical 6th house from Oct 9th. Your challenge is to leverage all this self assurance in tangible terms:
Getting your act together. With the perfect balance of daily, disciplined habits to keep your vibe clean & mean, and the lush, pleasurable lifestyle you desire. I mean you gotta work hard to play hard, if you’re into excess indulgence right now? Or preferably a healthy, sustainable work ethic to allow you to live, productively on your own sweet terms.
Perfect timing, for Pluto direct Oct 12th, in your brilliant career sector:
To give yourself credit, for phoenixing through whatever professional challenges you’ve been dealing-for the last several years. Looking back, you see more clearly how much you’ve had to transform your entire vocational paradigm. Kudos for ditching any plans that burned themselves out, with the courage to rise up in a blaze of glory, with fresh determination to embrace more meaningful goals. The better to look forward from mid Oct, with powerful new resolve to succeed.
And square the Destiny Point, with healer Chiron in Aries. Your radar is on point, for an authentic, rewarding sense of purpose to turn you on. Trine Uranus retro, with Jupiter retro in your 2nd house of personal prosperity. Yes the more you innovate your career policy, financial freedom becomes more possible; even if you have to wait till Jan, until the abundant income picks up momentum? I mean the Lunar Eclipse of Oct 29th, conjunct Jupiter trine Venus in your work sector is a clue. About deciding which gig allows you to hustle the income you desire, with as much creative agency as possible.
Meanwhile your ruler Mars, in mating season from late August till late Nov. Now, from Oct 12th charging from your 7th house, partner sector into your sexy 8th house:
Feels like, having established the rules of engagement with your lover/partner? Or if single/on the prowl, how to rock your sexy charisma on the dating scene with clear intentions?
From mid Oct you dig deeper, into the psycho/sexual/emotional dynamics of whoever you have chosen to be involved with. Maybe Mars unleashes next level passion, so that even the most vulnerable moments with your lover reveal the courage-to get over any fear and embrace the hot chemistry you share? Maybe Mars stirs up existing conflict -I guess it’s time to clear the air and deal with the real, nitty gritty issues-ready or not? Caring Ceres involved, brings the desire to nurture loving solutions and try to look after one another, either way.
Just in time for the New Moon Eclipse of Oct 15th, in your 7th house:
Conjunct Mercury and the South Node of old relating patterns, opposite healing Chiron and North Node/Destiny Point in Aries.
Basically the more you have healthy relationship with self, aligning with the personal growth imperatives that matter. The more you keep the communication real, with the loved ones you share a commitment to understanding one another. Especially long term connections matter, to work out the love you have spent so much time cultivating, right?
Image: unable to find original credit, for this lovely picture.