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With your ruler Mars retrograde in Aries since September, you might have felt a bit hamstrung in the last few months, and necessarily practicing disciplined self-control on your basic impulse to charge ahead recklessly –aargh how frustrating, but it’s been character building I guess?

So you are so goddamn thrilled to have Mars direct from Nov 15th, for a rush of sexy, life affirming, energetic confidence & lust for life to pick up the pace! Finally you can get a move on whatever schemes & dreams you’ve been brewing lately as well as just strutting around with spunky, charismatic swagger just because it feels so good to be you for the rest of the year-brilliant.

Including getting your career game on with fresh determination. Because the other big astro right now is lucky Jupiter in a massively lucrative, empowering conjunction with powerhouse Pluto –exact Nov 8th-13th and fully rocking your professional development all month. I’m just saying that any fresh resolve to progress the current career plan is bang on, or indeed new opportunities toward a different gig or even a total, game-changing new direction in your broader ambitions are well worth considering here. It’s all about positive, confident, transformative growth in terms of what you are doing in the world-and you’re more ready than ever to do the work to make it happen right?

Also because Chiron in your sign reveals whatever self-doubt has been triggered recently, which you’ve had to overcome in order to be adaptable to changing circumstance as opposed to just giving up just because of delays etc. I mean as if –you are the sign most likely thrive under pressure; and Mars direct mid month proves how much you relish the chance to snatch success from the jaws of apparent defeat. Yes, well done you little success machine you!!

Meanwhile the New Moon of the 15th in your intimate relationship sector is just in time for Mars direct, to focus your most libidinous desire nature toward the Aries love life. You are so magnetically sexy here, so who could resist your seductive wiles? And with Venus in your love sector more likely to have someone gorgeous to turn you on… So if you happen to be entangled with someone special it’s a great time to connect more deeply. And if you’re on the hunt in the dating/mating scene same goes –to attract a promising new contender? It’s kind of Aries mating season -so why not go forth & love like you mean it x

Image: from Tian Yi by Jem Mitchell for Vogue China

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