So if you’ve been kind of out of sorts, feeling frustrated or thwarted
with your ruling planet Mars retrograde, since early December? You will be thrilled to know that Mars turns direct from Feb 25th. Yay, finally by the end of this month you can pick up the momentum, to get your groove on for 2025!
Meanwhile Mars retro in your 4th house/domestic sector for most of Feb. To keep working on uncharacteristically brilliant patience, with your family and living situation. Yes, you are amazing everyone with your equanimity about any lowkey, brewing tensions with certain loved ones or wrangling any tricky property/where to live scenarios.
I mean what with Mars square wounded healer Chiron in Aries right now, you are quite the sensitive soul, and totally tempted to be triggered by the slightest provocation. But instead you realise the healing potential of taking a deep breath, rising above any temper tantrums going on and working things out, with supreme emotional intelligence.
So you are basically a saint, keeping your cool right now. And you can show this as evidence-to any weirdos, who need to know how much fuqing integrity you’ve got going on right now. You’re welcome.
Then Mars direct in your 4th house, from Feb 25th till April 18th is your reward. A phase where you can clear the air with healthy, assertive conversations at home and get on with positive family dynamics. And way more auspicious, for any real-estate/where to live decisions.
Then Mars into your 5th house of talent, fun & sexy confidence, from April 19th is something to look forward to!
Meanwhile we need to talk about the real reason you are so saintly & self aware right now-all the action in your spooky, spiritual 12th house this month:
Feb begins with the Moon joining Saturn, Venus, Neptune & Destiny Point in your 12th. Your psycho/emotional/cosmic intelligence is so exquisitely heightened here! You get that with the discipline to look within- is so inspiring to work on your spiritual practice, shamanic personal growth & commune with your creative muse.
I mean with the healer Chiron in Aries right now-healthy relationship with self, as you come to terms with your angels & demons in all your gorgeous human potential, flaws and all is quite a trip… The better to dark horse do the inner work, so rewarding to become comfortable in your skin this month.
Which makes Venus into Aries, from Feb 5th so special.
With Venus into Aries just as Destiny Point & Neptune are exactly conjunct in your 12th, connection with your highest, magical sense of purpose totally raises your frequency. Is lovely to know that so much of your Venusian radiance comes from within. You’re not just a pretty face, also a fully certified spiritual gangster & conduit for divine inspiration.
Of course all the usual rules also apply, for Venus in your sign-gorgeous good looks, enchanting charm, genius relationship skills, flirty romance & awesome creative talent to show off. Might as well enjoy being so ravishingly desirable!
Especially the buzz of the Full Moon of Feb 13th, in your 5th house of creative talent, playful fun & flirty romance. Trine the wounded healer Chiron in Aries. So beyond Venus ameliorating any vulnerable self doubt you’ve been dealing with lately-because fuq it, you’re too fabulous to feel insecure. This Moon is lovely permission to release any expectations of proving your worth to anyone-and just have fun being your true self in the world. A bit of unconditional self acceptance, goes a long way here.
And with this Moon opposite Sun, Ceres & Mercury in your social sector-all the right people notice, and appreciate you just as you are!
Then Mercury into your 12th house from Feb 15th, to remain focused on all the inner work we’ve been talking about-to keep your visionary genius real. Especially by the New Moon of Feb 28th, in your 12th house. An incredible stellium of Ceres, Sun & Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Mercury in your 12th lights up inner life with profound clarity. A deep, genuine sense that you are living intentionally, in alignment with your core values will stand you in good stead here-as you look forward to the rest of the year.
Image: unable to find original credit for this fab image.