So it’s all about your dynamic ruler Mars, in Aries from late June till Jan 2021 –omg you have the whole rest of the year to be gloriously energised & ready to rock! So you are presumably reading this with fire in your belly already, and you just know you are going to make 2020 count for something right?
And I mentioned last month that Mars on Chiron was temporary, wobbly self doubt –which in retrospect you can now see was a valuable moment of vulnerable authenticity, the better to pull yourself together & move forward with renewed integrity…
Good. Because August is all about Mars on Lilith, in play all month & exact around the 8th. This is such a spectacular meeting of the fierce warrior god with the fierce, bitch goddess Lilith. Your will to stand up for yourself in the world with uncompromising, assertive confidence and make stuff happen according to your most primal desires, and hungry lust for life is SO on!
And also, importantly the fearless self-awareness to take responsibility for whatever transgressive/rebellious impulses are coming up, that could be controversial or tricky in your current scenario. If your individualistic instincts are correct, you know in your gut they’re worth it & hold your own with brilliant, unflappable confidence. But if you’re being a bit of a brat & just trying to stir the pot for the sake of drama/recreational conflict –hmmm you know when to pull back, look in the mirror & work on healthy relationship with self instead –know what I mean?
Including your love life, it’s Aries mating season & the attraction frisson is palpable! It’s all about a meeting of equals that can be sexy as fuq; where you not only respect but are fully turned on by the differences between you, and embrace the fireworks of a truly passionate, positively challenging mutual chemistry. Yes there could be a beautifully robust partnership brewing here, or even if it’s just an incandescent moment of connection, it’s such a turn on to realize your full relational potential.
Because on the other hand, obviously you want to watch this energy if not handled well. The temptation to brawl over some stoopid point of contention/unresolved sexual tension is a volatile, potentially destructive thing right now. So best keep an eye on that and keep it as positive as possible huh?