So your ruler Venus in your adventure sector for ages this year is direct this month, so you’re most inspired thinking large, visionary thoughts & easily seduced by the siren song of the great unknown. Travel plans/stimulating study/getting to know people from different places/learning new things about the world turns you on, for the thrill of expanding your horizons. In any case, certainly not dreary chores around the house or the daily routine!
True. But also Saturn backing into your domestic sector does insist you sort out any real-estate scenarios/home improvements etc you’ve been neglecting lately, clean up the familial/co-hab dynamic & generally get your house in order. Because Jupiter/Pluto are stirring up every unresolved issue here, with a restless, hungry imperative to make your home a better place to live, and an optimum launching pad for your broader aspirations in the world.
Especially by the Lunar Eclipse of the 5th, emotions are riding high with your nearest & dearest. The vibe is kind of turbulent (maybe recent lockdown has everyone on edge with tetchy cabin fever?), and tempting to fuel the drama with some tantrums of your own-not least because you just want to get on with your own, expansive plans already?? Yeah but not so much, obviously. Better to tune into the keen instincts & emotional intelligence coming up, to take this opportunity to dig deep, feel it all and work some gutsy, positive, transformative magic on your interpersonal skills. And maybe your key relationships come out more robust than ever, to go forth & share new adventures beyond the daily grind…
Because Mars/Chiron in your love sector mid month is a truly powerful cue to connect more deeply with someone special-if romance is your thing. Mars is all about sexy chemistry, which is hot & promising but also can exacerbate any sexual tensions or marital conflict that has felt a bit clunky lately. So the healer Chiron brings the sensitivity, empathy & vulnerable authenticity for the kind of meaningful passion you are both looking for- know what I mean?
Extra-specially cos Mars in aspect with Venus here is pulled together by sparky Uranus in your intimacy sector-which does not bode well for complacent, habitual patterns of relating. It’s digging deep to challenge one another with a positive, loving attitude; for the emotional oxygen for shared emotional growth & keep evolving toward new things together, right?
Then Mercury turns direct in your biz sector mid month, after scrambling your professional plans recently; and right on time the New Moon of the 21st also in your biz sector helps to clarify a fresh vocational perspective. The second half of the month is brilliant for grabbing cool new opportunities to thrive in the world –your professional future is calling your name & it looks like fun!
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