So Eclipse season is here, just what we need in these turbulent times lol- so might as well get into it with the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius of June 6th -exact 5.12am AEST. Because Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever feelings have been coming up lately, and Eclipses magnify everything to full, technicolour intensity to get in touch with our most primal emotional truth...
I mean we need a lot of courageous moxy to ride full throttle into the coming chapter, as we variously come out of lockdown etc and pick up our progressive hopes & dreams in the world right? Not to mention dealing with social unrest & any turbulence in our personal lives that have been exacerbated lately. So it's handy that this particular Eclipse is in restless, freedom-loving Sag as we move forward into uncertain times; and could be just the thing to awaken our adventurous desire to embrace wild new possibilities (what other kind are there right now?) with our most brazen, expansive, positive lust for life.
Excellent, and also worth noting that this Moon is trine Lilith/Chiron in Aries where we are in the healing process of owning our own fierce, independent, integral sense of ourselves and ready to rock on our own terms-yes. But also square tricky, ego-dissolving Mars/Neptune in Pisces, where forcing the issue in terms of any combative, aggro attitude not so much -aint gonna work right now!
Because Venus love/mating/harmonious relating magic is all over this Moon, so it's time to care for one another & work our charming, caring, respectful interpersonal skills with as much emotional intelligence as possible. So as much as we are asserting our personal autonomy as best we can, it's also time to properly connect with our loved ones and tribe as we go.
Especially with Venus square Mars, our sexy love chemistry & romantic tensions are peaking right now -so it's kind of mating season if we're up for it? I mean the passions are rising up big time, and could be combative drama if we give in to our own reactive drama/emo -but if we rise above that with open minded Sag energy we could be exploring such sexy, transformative new versions of our promising relationships. Maybe time to bring our lover/special someone on our our journey, as much as possible...
So let's live & love large in true Sag style, as we ride the kicking, bucking, rebellious energy of this Full Moon -happy Eclipse folks x