So the Saturn/Pluto vibe in your talent sector lately has been some solid creative discipline to get your fabulousness on. And now with Saturn in your work /lifestyle sector its about to get real –how to pragmatically manifest the day job/gig etc that is going to serve your wellbeing for the next few years? I mean lucky you have Mars involved, so whatever strategies you come up with you have plenty of physical vitality & determined, fighting spirit to see it through-yes, don’t stop believing in yourself now whatever you do!
Also because April 1st has Jupiter on Pluto in your talent sector to unleash such spectacularly positive, pro-active energy to transform as required, and prove to the rest of the world that you can magically manifest wonderful things & thrive beautifully in times of crisis. And I’m not talking fluffy new age affirmations as much as really believing you can walk your talk on what you’re good at with gutsy determination & a solid work ethic; the better to phoenix through the challenges & rise up singing on the other side. Honestly, if anyone can do it right now it’s you.
Then the Full Moon of the 8th is in your income/security sector. And this one is not so much about going it alone financially as intelligent, win –win scenarios in any biz/family/partner shared financial entanglements. Lilith says you stand up for your rights & take no crap, just in case anyone is trying to control freak you etc; but also Chiron says stay cool, listen to one another compassionately & there is such power in pulling together & problem solving any issues to move forward with healthy, wealthy dynamics that serve everyone. This is so possible & lovely right now!
Especially with Mars in your work sector driving your talent, charm & creatively entrepreneurial vision in your biz sector by the New Moon of the 23rd.
Also this New Moon has Uranus firing up in your adventure sector. You are getting the crazy opportunities that come from thinking outside the square right now, and primed to take a risk on moving into the unknown rather than stubbornly hanging onto the status quo –which let’s face it is dropping away as we speak.
And love? I’m thinking that spunky, uncompromising Lilith and the gentle healer Chiron in your intimacy sector is pretty cool; to remain passionate, real & compassionate with whoever you care about the most.
image; Unable to find original credit for this picture.