Well it’s weird & wonderful times, and you might like to know the most positive astro behind this is happening in your sign as follows:
Your ruler, taskmaster Saturn has been in your sign for the last few years & honing that fierce, efficient, survivalist thing you do so well. So it’s been hard work, but you’ve presumably got your shizz together enough to be resourceful, pragmatic & ready to cope with whatever tricky crap is coming up.
But enough of that –because the fab news is lucky Jupiter on Pluto from April 1st nudging Saturn out of the way; to upgrade to the most regenerative, empowering, full-tilt positive & expansive sense of new possibilities opening up before you. You are the sign most likely to phoenix through this time on the power of sheer optimism & able to see the light at the other end of the tunnel. Well done you, for keeping your moxy up & lighting the way for the rest of us!
Meanwhile Saturn joins Mars in your income/security sector-you’re fully motivated and seriously practical enough to hustle the coin you need right now, one way or the other. Especially with Venus in your work/day job sector in sync with Mars earning power, your creativity, talent & charm is the key to finessing your best, productive professional relationships & opportunities. Playing nice for win-win, mutually profitable scenarios is your best look right now and could work a treat.
Then the New Moon of the 23rd has Uranus sparking up new aspects of your core talent to play with. You know what you’re good at but also ready to learn new skills as required; and determined to have fun with the creative process here. Bring on the great unknown, you’re a multi-tasker & can handle anything right?
Meanwhile the Uranus buzz of this New Moon is syncing with the Destiny Point in your love sector. You’re into future oriented, dynamic relationship dynamics that can keep up with your fast paced evolution right now –and yes someone special may be on the scene/turning up soon to rock your world & keep you on your romantic toes-excellent.
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