So your happy New Year/New Decade begins with Mars energising your love/partnership sector, confirming the emphasis on Gemini mating season with a rocking Pluto/Saturn conjunction in your sex/intimacy sector peaking this month:
Because the sheer, smoking hot passion of Pluto is provoking deeper feelings than ever - desires are running high & it’s sexy, volatile & transformative as fuq! And Saturn is the emotional hard yakka required; if you’re looking to build enduring commitment with someone special/or ride some game changing love affair just because it’s so goddamn real -there’s never been a better time, if you can hack the intensity? Or assert healthy boundaries if not so sure where you stand/ or get out of someone’s controlling clutches etc right now? Or even if single/not into it, you get peak insight into your healthy relationship with self, and how that relates to any family/biz /shared resources situations going on...
Other humans huh? You kinda can’t live without them right now, and the imperative of interpersonal dynamics is bound to have your number one way or the other. Especially by the Lunar Eclipse of the 11th, lucky you are such a consummate communicator because your ruler Mercury has you negotiating any pertinent dialogues with such awesome emotional intelligence. Yes you love talking it through/flirting it up/psycho erotic verbal repartee/clever financial hustling as the case may be –and mid Jan is your time to work it to best relational advantage & keep it beautifully real huh?
Also by the New Moon of the 25th it’s an interesting one, It’s the exact impulses to fly free, and chase independent adventure on your part that reveal exactly which healthy relationships –if handled properly –support your best personal growth. I’ve gotta say that the people who love you right now are really good at it –or at least challenging your sparky individuality in constructive ways. Whicb makes it easier to spot any tricky peeps just trying to do your head in, and breezily let them know you’re not buying into it right?
Then Venus/Neptune in your biz sector late month is the most exquisite inspo, to express your creative genius & charisma in the world with brilliant professional instincts –excellent.
My innate relationship skills come to the fore this year. for powerful, healthy, loving connections that also empower my spunky personal growth.
Image; John g\Galliano by Satoshi Saikusa for Visionaire