So your happy New Year/New Decade begins with the powerful Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, so you are officially the sign most likely to get just how game changing the coming year is going to be. You’re already strapped in & ready for a transformative trip-and you won’t be disappointed.
This is primo astro to stand in the flame of whatever primal regeneration is occurring in the deepest level of your being/or structures previously dear to your security consciousness pretty much burning down around you –and rise up singing like a phoenix on the other side; freer of some illusions & with a way more powerful internal locus of power-that no-one can take away from you!
Especially by the Cap Full Moon Eclipse of Jan 11th, you bring the full, sexy, juicy, implacable force of your empowered self-awareness to any relationship dynamics going on. This is the kind of mating season that helps you to understand yourself better through the prism of another’s eyes. The best way to understand your loved ones/partners in crime/attraction scenarios -and they’ll be on your case with this Moon –is to fully own where you are coming from; the better to respect their position accordingly & come together as a meeting of equals huh?
And just in time for Saturn/Pluto fully exact by Jan 13th- which is such a spectacular reveal about your clean, mean, truly authentic new sense of yourself & how to walk your talk on that for the coming year-babe you’re so onto it!
Even if Mars lurking in your soul sector says it’s more scheming in the background & letting plans brew for the moment, rather than actually forcing your will on certain scenarios just yet –which could be a tad frustrating? Fret not, by mid Feb you’ll be ready to unleash your brilliance upon the world, slay any obstacles & charge around with such sexy, unstoppable self assurance-it’s so close don’t give up now…
Meanwhile the New Moon of Jan 25th is sparky energy to innovate your best talent, just for the thrill of playing with creative expression –and a keen eye to monetising what you’re good at with that innate financial brilliance of yours.
It’s pretty much your usual mission statement –I am fierce & slay obstacles before breakfast every day-to thrive like I mean it no matter what!
Image: unable to find credit for this fab pic