So your happy New Year/New Decade begins with Pluto/Saturn peaking a conjunction in your partnership sector, to drive home the emphasis on Cancerian relationships this year.
I mean lucky you are such a tribal creature & truly value your loved ones, because no way are you living in a solo bubble right now; it’s all about the quality of interpersonal connection. Especially with lucky Jupiter involved by the Lunar Eclipse of the 11th, your beautiful, innate emotional intelligence is key to working with the pressure cooker vibe of certain connections in your life:
On one hand Pluto triggers any unresolved interpersonal shizz & Saturn applies a forensic analysis of the underlying issues involved; so yeah wobbly relationships get a gritty reality check & good luck -if they’re ever going to crumble cos basically they’ve run their course or face the inevitable, transformative hard yakka to get them back on track it’s coming, ready or not!
Because also the healthy connections in your life have never been better placed to thrive; where you realize just how solid & enduring the commitment really is with certain special people -and maybe deeper passions are unleashed if you’re in romantic love, this could be volcanic level hot!
Especially by the New Moon of the 25th in your sex/intimacy sector, with a dreamy, magical, soulmate Venus/Neptune vibe… any delusional crushes/poor boundaries are revealed & you might want to deal with that –but also exquisite, true love could so have your number if you’re up for keeping it real?
Meanwhile Mars in your day job sector is the best energiser for your work ethic till mid Feb, where Uranus also has your brilliant people skills hustling
cool professional opportunities with the right crew and, crucially; ready to back it up with consistent effort. It’s that whole elbow grease thing that’s going to get you over the line here, not so much swanning around muttering positive affirmations or whatever, know what I mean? And to that end Mars says a dynamic fitness/health routine is such a turn on this month; just because it feel so good to feel fully alive, glowing with exercise endorphins & shiny wellbeing, and also for the vitality to keep up with that full-on work schedule of yours huh-no time for slacking off now!
I learn so much about myself by how I relate to my tribe and loved ones right now -even more than ever my beautiful emotional intelligence shines, in order to fully embrace loving relationships in every aspect of my life.
Image: Elsa Schiaparelli