The New Moon of the 5th has you thinking in the broadest possible terms about big picture goals in your life –which is excellent for dropping that whole fastidious, micro managing the details thing you tend to do huh? Which if nothing else is a relief to get out of your own busy head for a while, and feel into whatever lovely flow is already moving through your life in its own sweet way...
And you might as well drop any control freakery anyway; because your ruling planet Mercury messing with Uranus around the 8th requires such mental alacrity –a fab, flexible new attitude is so the way forward here! Because you’re more likely to be dealing with sudden changes of circumstance/kyboshed plans that reveal innovative new solutions and weirdly wonderful new opportunities presenting themselves out of the blue. And you want to keep up with a bit of genius, maverick re-invention rather than waste energy fighting the inevitable changes/things you can’t control going on right now, obviously.
Especially with Mars revving up your fierce ambition & determination to succeed in the world this month. The first half of May –especially with Venus finessing any financial/biz negotiations- is hustling any opportunities to further the Virgo career with shameless vocational confidence. I mean Saturn in your talent sector says you’ve worked hard enough to be good at what you do, might as well leverage that to get some tangible results right? Then Mars into your social sector from the 17th is great for networking professionally to that end, or maybe blowing off a bit of steam by having fun with your tribe?
And love? Your best date night, or chance to find an easy connection with your lover is a sweet little Mars/Venus tryst around May 15th. And then roll with a cool, possibly unexpected romantic development to keep things interesting from the 18th onward…