The New Moon of the 8th is a lovely, fresh opportunity to think big and visionary about what turns you on right now. Adventure calls- whether it’s brewing travel plans, an exciting new creative venture, a next level education scenario (as teacher or student) to expand your professional horizons-or just living large on your own terms that much more? Because it’s all about Jupiter and Mars switching signs right on this Moon as follows:
Lucky Jupiter into your biz sector from the 9th is bound to exacerbate any vocational restlessness, and get you all revved up to profitably expand your career horizons over the next 12 months. Could be some crazy promising new gig/opportunity coming at you out of the blue; and you instinctively get that it’s worth taking a risk on giving it your best shot? Could be you working up the sheer, confident moxy to take that leap of faith, on some brazen new vocational thing you’ve been scheming & dreaming lately? Or just embrace your existing gig with that much more vigour, to keep it thriving?
And especially because Mars has been lurking in your soul sector for fuqing months on end, which has been great for inner, spiritual discipline and all but also a tad frustrating? So you’re gonna LOVE Mars blasting into your sign from Nov 16th-Dec 31st: 6 weeks coming up of renewed personal confidence, feeling spunky & strutting your stuff, motivation to chase cool goals in the world and the raw vitality and physical energy to pull all of this off. Yep you’re on fire baby-and ready to rock!
Meanwhile, Venus in your sex/intimacy sector all Nov is pretty hot for the Pisces love life. Because Venus retro for the first half of the month might reveal any tricky, lingering issues around relationship dynamics; but then the easy romantic harmony of Mars/Venus trine mid month is such a delicious opportunity to resolve all that and get on with big, passionate loving anyway. Maybe you renew the chemistry with your partner to really embrace the full potential between you? Or if single, your smooth seduction skills are so on point; to chase up someone intriguing who is so much more likely to turn up this month –and could also be kinda mesmerised by lovely you?
Image; Selina De Maeyer