That interminable season of retrograde planets is finally drawing to a close- omg thank goodness right? Jupiter, Mars & Mercury are all getting a move on, as we feel the momentum finally return and begin to flex our muscles in the world again... hallelujah!
And ok the heavy hitters, Saturn, Uranus & Pluto are still retro; so the personal discipline we've been cultivating lately will still serve us, in terms of the spiritual equanimity to "accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"
Patience dear ones, know that all your courage, perseverance and internal fortitude is bearing fruit-even as we speak. Well done you x
“Sitting here in limbo But I know it won't be long Sitting here in limbo Like a bird without a song
Well, they're Putting up resistance But I know that my faith Will lead me on
Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the dice to roll Sitting here in limbo Got some time to search my soul
Well, they're Putting up resistance But I know that my faith Will lead me on
I don't know where life will lead me But I know where I've been I can't say what life will show me But I know what I've seen
Tried my hand At love and friendship But all that is passed and gone This little boy is moving on
Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the tide to flow Sitting here in limbo Knowing that I have to go
Well, they're Putting up resistance But I know that my faith Will lead me on
I can't say what life will show me But I know what I've seen I can't say where life will lead me But I know where I've been
Tried my hand At love and friendship But all that is passed and gone This little boy is moving on
Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the tide to flow Sitting here in limbo Knowing that I have to go
Well, they're Putting up resistance But I know that my faith Will lead me on”
Jimmy Cliff