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So Mars retro backing into your 8th house last month may have pulled you back into some personal/financial entanglement or tricky intimate conversation you thought you were well clear of, which has maybe felt a bit tedious? But the good news is that Mars direct for the first half of Sept is actually pretty fab for untangling any sketchy/unresolved dialogues in love or money-the better to power forward with clarity and mutual goals agreed upon as transparently as possible…

Especially with Venus in your romance sector syncing with Mars-bringing excellent sexual tension to fire up the chemistry in whatever relationship prospects you are looking at right now. You are a hot-blooded little lover, and so much more likely to attract an equally passionate response from your love interest just by being you! So you know what, it could be time to drop some of those enigmatic mind games you do so well; because it may just be that showing your hand romantically and the honest thrill of the chase could be that much more rewarding for your love life at this point?

And then the New Moon of the 10th is also about the Gemini personal life-specifically a cool new perspective on your domestic situation. Maybe you sort out the family dynamics for a nicer harmony with your tribe, or domestic bliss with your co-habs or partner? Maybe you make some key real estate decisions, or snaz up the feng shu/decor where you live for a nicer base to come home to?

Meanwhile, get ready for the professional fabulosity that is Venus joining lucky Jupiter in your work sector from mid Sept until January! You’ve got 4 whole months ahead to believe in your biggest vocational potential, by aiming to do something you genuinely enjoy for a living. And you make it happen with the creative discipline to get better at what you do, showing off your brilliant talent with shameless self-promotion, polishing your work wardrobe/looking sharp and generally charming, schmoozing and (maybe) flirting it up on the day job; with those sparkly, beguiling wiles you do so damn well.

And I’m just saying, if you happen to be single you are so much more likely to find your next attraction at work. Maybe some cute client/colleague/boss is about to fall for all that gorgeous charisma you are laying on so thick, as an unexpected bonus?

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