YEAH MERCURY out of retro BUT...

Image: Alex Prager
So it's great that everyone is celebrating the end of Mercury retrograde (as of yesterday) and all. But I'm here to tell you that the 'storm phase', where planets switch directions in and out of retro are by far the most tricky part of the whole cycle!
Yes Mercury has stationed direct today, but won't be moving forward for a few days; and even then I would technically wait until the trickster planet is out of 'shadow phase' (forward over the degree at which he originally turned retro) from Sept 3rd until the whole thing settles down. Until then I'd still be careful around all the Merc flashpoints of lost items (including keeping track of small pets -wierd but true), technology hissy fits, paperwork, signing contracts and general miscommunication dramas until early Sept.
I'm just saying that already today I have been chasing my tail over a lost key that -despite being attached to a fluorescent green keyring- disappeared in plain sight & costly locksmith issues, and subsequent juggling appointments, and accidentally nearly deleted a months worth of horoscope writing on my laptop and several logistical re-negotiations of a particular $ arrangement in the space of a few hours. Nothing catastrophic as it turns out but-classic Mercury-just stressy and tedious enough to fuq with my whole day, dammit.
People-this is the week to keep an eagle eye on the details!!!