Two powerful lunations and a grand earth trine define August as follows:
The Partial Solar Eclipse of the 11th couldn’t be closer to your heart; on Sag home turf in your adventure sector and activating your ruling planet Jupiter direct in your vision sector. So your wildling, free-range soul is craving unencumbered freedom with a fierce, energising lust for life mid month -and the Destiny Point is able to focus what would otherwise be scatty, restless energy toward identifying, and chasing a particular dream that really means something to you.
I mean ok, with Mercury retro involved and Pluto/Saturn retro in your earnings sector, the reality is that you still need to hustle successful outcomes with the kind of tedious attention to detail and strict, disciplined financial acumen that has been doing your fuqing head in for a while now!
But rather than allow any bitchy impatience to sabotage your progress, you harness Mercury direct from the 19th to finesse the process and keep your eye on the prize. There’s no way you’re going to miss this chance to figure out your heart’s desire, follow it up and seize an excellent, expansive opportunity to thrive just when you’re SO close to successful outcomes right??? You’re too legit to quit now.
Because the Full Moon of the 26th has a grand earth trine across your biz, income and work sectors-the most glorious crack at real, tangible results from doing something you love, with innovative flair and earning big bucks from it. It’s not so much the kind of easy come/easy go money you’re used to, it’s building the solid financial security that supports your future freedom-so worth making the effort…
And also this Moon is awakening your deepest feelings about home, family and the personal relationships that matter. Maybe you are ready to explore a more fulfilling version of all Sag relationships-and in the case of romantic love it’s going down with hot dates at home or bonding with your live-in-lover- and it’s all about full, emotionally congruent, vulnerable authenticity… by late August you might want to be ready for that huh?
Image; Dewi Driegen by Enrique Badulescu for Elle UK