Two powerful lunations and a grand earth trine define August as follows:
The partial Solar Eclipse of the 11th is a potent new look at your sex/intimacy/money sector mid month. Maybe you have a moment of clarity with your lover, to connect on a deeper level for a lovely new, mutual understanding? Maybe the thrill of a hot encounter with someone you’ve been crushing on-to explore the potential between you? Maybe you’re single and an unexpected (maybe karmic) meeting with someone fascinating piques your interest?
And also your brilliant core competency in financial/biz arrangements is ready to rock here; where shared resources, contractual commitments, debt/tax/investment scenarios are up for a new perspective –and maybe cool new opportunities to hustle advantageously? Ps with Mars retro in your earning sector and Uranus retro in your self-promotion sector you’re not so much on the offensive/aggressive sales tactics as lurking around in stealth mode, sussing the lay of the land, letting others show their hand whilst you scheme quietly-then pouncing when the time is right-maybe when Mars moves forward from mid September?
Because with the Destiny Point involved, chances are any developments mid month are going to be spookily revealing about the future direction of your most key entanglements, one way or the other. And Mercury retrograde on this Moon suggests you really need to watch the clarity and integrity of any communication or agreements going on here -because they could affect your future more than usual, choosing your words with exquisite care and details matter right now!
And then the Full Moon of the 26th flows with an easier confidence, where the courage of your convictions shine and a fab grand earth trine to manifest whatever you love to do in the world, just by being your gorgeous self…embrace this, yes?
Image: Magda Lipiejko