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I’m just saying that the Full Moon of the 2nd is best approached as fab prep for the phenomenal vocational prospects of mid-March onwards…

Because whilst this Moon is all about dreamy Neptune in your soul sector; where you tune into the inner landscape for spiritual guidance/shamanic insights and personal growth/connecting with your creative muse –it’s actually in your work/day job sector! Which means that you best channel all that inspiration toward intentionally manifesting your dreams in the real world, with as much pragmatic nous as you can muster.

Because the surging ambition that is your ruling planet, Mars, heading toward Saturn in your biz sector from mid month is hard to deny…

I mean to the extent you’re getting your head around the daunting sense that Saturn has a few years of solid professional demands in store for you (yes it’s true); it’s perfect that Mars is activating your most fierce, native determination to thrive -the better to rock some real enthusiasm and motivated work ethic to get on with it. It’s less dragging around some dreary, day-job obligation with gritted teeth and more champing at the bit to prove your mettle, show off your brilliance and score some well-earned success in the world-yes you can!

And Venus in your sign from the 7th helpfully revs up all that shameless self-promotion professional moxy; and also fab for the Aries love life. Your romantic charisma sparkles, you are gorgeous and you know it and so does everyone else. The better to take advantage of lucky Jupiter in your sex/intimacy sector: it might be time to take a risk on loving your lover (or flirting it up with that crush of yours) more fearlessly, knowing they’re that much more likely to respond with the same open hearted generosity, yes, whatever the outcome?

Image: Zhang Jingna photography

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