It’s great that you are cultivating such a healthily grounded, staunch sense of self, autonomy and intelligent personal boundaries with Saturn newly in your sign –you are coming into your own with the kind of personal responsibility/personal growth to really hit your stride over the next few years; which is something to look forward to.
And this is also a great foundation from which to approach the Total Lunar Eclipse of Feb 1st-which is about the interpersonal, shared experience and possibly blurred emotional boundaries of sex/intimacy/financial entanglement in your life.
I mean on one level you have the Destiny Point and Venus involved; calling in some truly meaningful, possibly long-term connections that could be smoking hot/deeply passionate/maybe even true love and/or potentially lucrative/rewarding biz deals as the case may be. Yes, serious opportunities are coming up for big romance/cash/whatever floats your boat.
OR it could be you or someone close to you on some kind of emo bender -going into overwhelm and acting out with random tantrums or needy, sooky attention seeking. Hmmm-and this is why it pays to keep it high end and connected to your best self-awareness; to embrace the lovely love/success potential here (which is considerable) and the better to rise above any unnecessary, self-indulgent crap (from anyone) that might distract from this, huh?
And the rewards for keeping it together here are clearer by the New Moon Eclipse of the 16th; where you score some crystal clear communication with whoever you’re dealing with right now and ideally move forward on common ground. Yes, and the better to be ready for the possibly soul mating romantic dialogue/flirty potential of late Feb to get your love life on track –this could be so inspired!