Welcome to 2018 and welcome to Saturn finally out of your love sector! It’s kind of a relief that the relentless lessons of the last few years around commitment, compatibility and accountability in your closest relationships have lifted huh?
And to the extent you have set healthy emotional boundaries, realistic expectations and a capacity for sustained, faithful intimacy where required, you’ve nailed it! And ready to enjoy more rewarding partnership/seduction skills/personal interaction generally, with all this new relational genius of yours. Or happily self-sufficient travels until something really worthwhile turns up –because you’re kind of all or nothing right now, in the best possible way.
So the New Moon of the 17th -with love goddess Venus in your sex/intimacy sector and in sync with her lover Mars for goodness sake, is particularly fab inspiration about how to connect with your lover more passionately or if single, keep an eye out for any magnetic new attractions that are statistically more likely to happen mid month -oh yes it feels like Gemini mating season for sure.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 2nd is all about your own earning potential; how to score the income you need to live free and how to finesse any promising biz/financial negotiations that are coming up to help pull this off.
Because with Mars energising lucky Jupiter in your work sector, you have a shot at the kind of professional confidence that could be positively game changing. You’re ready to be excited about cultivating a day job/gig that really turns you on and the necessary moxy to chase it up; whether it’s putting yourself out there for something new or a more empowering dialogue with your boss/clients/colleagues etc the better to expand the potential of your current occupation…
Magical Neptune in your biz sector says you’re ready to be truly inspired by the Gemini career this year-and it’s such a beautiful thing to believe in this!
Image: unable to find original source for this image.