Well to the extent you’ve been feeling any pressure-cooker expectations/tough work ethic on the day job and/or stumped by your own limiting beliefs about your professional capacity these last few years? You’re just counting down the days until taskmaster Saturn gets the fuq out of your work sector by the 20th- finally!
I mean chances are you’ve been working your ass off recently. Whether driven by some ambitious goal or sheer necessity; you’re probably much closer than you think to some kind of cool pay-off, or at least genuine validation that you’ve given it your best shot. And now you get to relax and bask in your hard won success, or at least drop that insidious need to prove yourself so much? And if you’ve felt blocked in your professional self-expression/struggling with some fear of failure crap, maybe you drop it and get moving with renewed self-confidence-yes it’s time.
Because Venus into your work sector from the 2nd AND Mars energising lucky Jupiter in your talent sector from the 10th AND the Destiny Point/Ceres nurturing your income sector is permission to tune into a much more playful, creatively fulfilling, fun version of doing something that genuinely turns you on for a living-and the rewarding lifestyle that goes with it; you have fully earned this, of course. And the New Moon of the 18th is magnificent inspiration/progress around whatever specific gig or fab new scheme is going to get you there…
And love? Well you’re looking forward to a few years coming up from late December for some Saturn lessons around healthy commitment/how to do serious partnership longevity, if that’s what turns you on. Grown up relationship skills are about to be your new, genius thing! Or perhaps a nice sense of your own, autonomous well being sans identifying too much with marital status is your new learning curve?
Either way, meanwhile the Mars/Jupiter energy this month is brilliant chance to just have some fun with love for the moment! Playful seduction, easy romantic ardour, outrageous flirty repartee just for thrills and possible adventurous attraction (depending on whether you’re hooked up/on the prowl etc) is your thing right now so why not enjoy this whilst you can, huh?
Image: Thomas Lagrange