To the extent that your ruling planet, Mercury and Jupiter in your ideas sector have been exacerbating your tendency to inflate every single detail to epic proportions lately –to the point of overwhelm?
The Full Moon of the 4th is great for relaxing into a more expansive, big-picture approach to things. Because with a little less control-freakery and a little more visionary intuition you get the balance right, to feel your way into some cool new life plans for the rest of the month. And specifically seize any travel/adventure/academic/study/publishing/clearer communication opportunities; for the personal growth and fearless self-belief attitude that comes with it…yes a stunning new level of optimism is coming up if you’re ready!
Also because by the New Moon of the 18th you are in line for some seriously cool new strategy, or clearer communication to move certain dialogues forward and it feels so good to be clean and clear about your own sense of purpose by then, know what I mean?
Meanwhile, Mars is energising your income sector big time this month! You are so motivated to hustle some coin, but it’s not just about wealth for the sake of it. It’s about the personal autonomy that comes from earning on your own terms as much as possible-and admit it, you do love to call your own shots! So whatever schemes you’re brewing right now could reveal their full potential in early December; when you get to finesse or liberate yourself from any financial/biz entanglements on your radar.
And this also applies to the Virgo love life. Between now and early December you are building up to slaying any romantic ambiguity from slippery Neptune in your partnership sector by either: Claiming your current love affair/partner with full, unapologetic passion, come what may. Releasing yourself fully from any dodgy entanglement that no longer serves you, come what may. If on the hunt, throwing yourself fearlessly into some wild new attraction -should it turn up (and yes it will be crazy) come what may. No time to second-guess your romantic instincts now-you’re either in for the full, fab catastrophe or not huh?
Image: unable to find original source for this image.