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The Taurus Full Moon of the 4th is a pretty good way to start the month, by taking a fearless emotional inventory of whatever’s coming up for you right now and vowing to remain congruent, and true to thyself about it for the rest of November.

Not least because Saturn is now wrapping up a lengthy tour of your 8th house, where you’ve been facing off any deep-seated emo demons vulnerabilities and claiming a whole new emotional maturity and fortitude in order to do so; the better to enjoy a more honest relationship with self and a greater, more rewarding capacity for powerful sexual/emotional (and financial) intimacy with others. Yep, you’ve nearly wrapped up that particular learning curve and feeling so much more comfortable in your skin for it –well done you!

And one of the rewards is lucky Jupiter lighting up your partnership sector for a whole year ahead-and love goddess Venus joining him from Nov 8th –Dec 7th; so it’s looking pretty fab for the Taurus love life right now! You are full of expansive romantic optimism and more unconditional than ever about how this plays out-such a beautiful thing.

And of course attracts more romantic generosity and openness from your current crush/lover/partner, for good times ahead between you. Or if single of course you are way more likely to attract someone exciting, inspiring and promising to connect with –or at least lots of flirty attention in the world to make you feel (deservedly) ace about yourself. The New Moon of the 18th in your love sector is bound to be revealing re this…

Meanwhile Mars in your day-job sector all month provides plenty of grunting work ethic, to nail whatever professional/health/lifestyle goals are turning you on right now. So wherever you direct your energies this month has success-machine written all over it –go gettem tiger!

Image: Spirit Series by Jeff Langevin

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