The Full Moon of the 6th sets the tone for the month, in terms of sorting out the work/life balance.
If you are tempted to go awol/scatty/emotionally overwhelmed by any personal scenarios; and do a runner on some tricky obligation/wobble out at the vicissitudes of familial relations/lose yourself in some confusing or delusional emo connection –at the expense of maintaining focus on the broader life plan? Not so much, obviously.
What you are after here is tuning into what really inspires you in your personal life; the better to make your home a genuine sanctuary/embrace some unconditional love and forgiveness in your closest relationships, including familial and yes –any romantic connections could also be vibing exquisitely soul-matey and meaningful here, if you keep your head about you! The better to cultivate a truly nurturing foundation from which to go forth and embrace the big life/biz/career opportunities of September…
Because meanwhile, Mars energising your vocational sector this month can’t be denied and requires some real focus right now!
I mean what with the unflinchingly authentic discipline of Saturn/Lilith powering away in your sign; it’s not like you don’t already know it’s time to step up your game, give it your best shot and generally go hard or go home yes? You are stepping up to your most potent potential –which is mainly about the power of personal integrity, but also coming to terms with Sag ambition and the reality of any hard yakka required to make it happen for real. (Ps from now till December is the last leg of a 2 1/2 year Saturn slog- you’re nearly there so for goodness sake don’t give up now!!)
So yes, when Mars calls you to next level motivation and audacious professional confidence you listen and viola -any extra clarity about finessing the details etc comes with the New Moon of the 20th, which is a great time to negotiate, perfect or even launch any cool projects you have on the go…
Image: Enrique Badulescu for Elle France