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There is an unshakeable self-assurance, personal integrity, strength of character at your core right now, and that would be 2 years of your ruler, Saturn grounding you in your soul sector and now joining Lilith for an even more authentic sense of self –this is so valuable! Ok and this can also be obstinate, bitching unwillingness to compromise just for the bloody-minded sake of it, lol, so we want to watch that.

Because this brutally honest, empowered self knowledge is the perfect foundation from which to face the Full Moon of the 9th – which is about facing your shadow and your most powerful strengths the better to walk your talk, hold your own in the world and claim your own path for optimum, transformative personal growth –and the willingness to take responsibility for this! It feels good huh?

Meanwhile this Moon is also potent for personal relationships. Sexy Mars in your partnership sector opposite Pluto is primo, magnetic attraction energy for your love life. Could be some stimulating conflict/power tripping coming up in your relationship, which hopefully provides the frisson to clear the air for a healthier, more authentic dynamic? Or could just be good old smoking hot, sexy romantic connection; whether it’s bonding with an existing lover or seducing someone new this could be exciting!

Because the New Moon of the 23rd is even more opportunity to cultivate a powerful, promising new sense of intimate connection in your life; and you want to be ready to grab it with passionate, courageous emotional integrity for maximum future potential…

And beyond love, July is brilliant for that sharp, pragmatic biz savvy of yours to really come to the fore. Yes you can front up to any challenging financial negotiations-no matter how power trippy, and work some mutually advantageous outcome with lucrative potential. I mean lucky Jupiter in your professional sector is so optimistic about your current prospects and so should you be, what with Pluto in your sign lending you the true grit to step up to any challenge and realize your greatest potential for sure –believe it!

Image:Tim Walker for Vogue Italia

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