Your ruler, Venus spending one more month in your soul sector is your big chance to cultivate some healthy, inner equilibrium around those art, love, beauty and cash values that are so important to you. You tune into your own, unique source of inspiration re this the better to get your groove on and healthy, wealthy, wise and loved up on your own terms. This is of course your natural state, as you know, so you love this!
Because Saturn in your intimacy/shared resources sector is hauling you over the coals re any serious psycho-sexual/financial entanglements; but triggering maverick Uranus in your soul sector (who won’t have anything less than truly authentic) all month! It’s either real and you’re all in/happily committed, or it’s just bloody tedious in which case you’re dragging your feet for sure. Or you’re an unencumbered free spirit right now and loving it…
Then there’s the Full Moon of the 11th in your love/partnership sector. This is a fabulous insight into the feelings, intentions and emotional capacity of any loved ones/lovers on your radar, just in case you’re wondering?
Then Mercury into your sign from the 17th and the wonderfully frank, open hearted reveals of Venus opposite Jupiter on the 19th helps to articulate any conversations you need to pursue, based on the genius romantic insights of mid-month.
Wow so May is brilliant for rocking your best personal, autonomous boundaries whilst also remaining wildly/wisely open to any honest, transparent love connections around you. Perfecto.
Then the New Moon of the 26th is great for some sharp, savvy income creation and financial planning –fab new insights about how to best support yourself on your own terms? Incoming!