Mars into your biz sector from March 10th –April 22nd is blast of Leo ambition, vocational progress and (your favourite) shameless self promotion for sure: so what are you going to do about it?
Well given that Mars fires up your moxy just in time for a Full Moon in your income sector and triggering lucrative Pluto in your day-job sector –I would say for a start looking at making some bigger coin than you’ve allowed yourself to consider for a while. I mean if you’re going to go all gung-ho with a fierce new work ethic (yes you are about to); why not hustle the most financially advantageous version of this whilst you’re at it, know what I mean?
Because mid month is also rustling up some tres interesting conversations about shared resources/complex financial negotiations, so you want to know where you stand on this.
There could be biz/work or family/personal dynamics at play; and either way you focus on subtlety, intelligent dialogue and sensitivity to any tricky, awkward moments coming up on either side of the equation.
And of course this also applies to love. Again, any emotional/physical intimacy involves real vulnerability –and maybe some exquisite moments of healing and mutual understanding, if you’re up for it.
But I get that you could also be craving significant personal space, with Venus awol in your adventure sector this month, and hanging around there until June! You priorities become freedom of movement, wanderlusting travel plans, philosophical/academic/educational stimulation, and as much emotional oxygen as possible. So how does this effect romance? Maybe enlisting your partner on a road trip/holiday/sexy weekend away/new shared interest in the world more so than hanging out at home? Or if single, you could meet your next crush at the departure lounge/uni class/somewhere you don’t usually hang out –or maybe your next lover is actually from another country!?
Could be fun, but just for March stay cool, observe the lay of the land and not so much rushing into anything –speedier progress when Venus gets moving from mid April.
Image: Petrus Cristus via muscavomitoria.tumblr.com