With Venus in your home sector until June, it suddenly feels real important to get the domestic/familial balance in your life right –or at least as harmonious as possible. Because an inspiring/comfortable lair –hopefully with lovely/supportive/fulfilling relationships with whomever you co-habit- really is crucial as a foundation from which to launch yourself in the world for the next few months.
Because the sparky, innovative, expansive Jupiter/Uranus action right now is across your work/life balance. You’re ready to embrace some big, bold, brilliant career expansive confidence for sure; whatever is turning you on professionally at this point is just bound to do well. And Uranus says all the better if your personal/home life is flexible enough to accommodate any new-found vocational imperatives and fun enough for rejuvenating/inspiring down time, to support all that spectacularly successful biz momentum you’re chasing up-you love this!
I mean if nothing else you’re gonna nail the home décor/feng shui for a gorgeous pad to retire to/inspire your creativity in between gigs…
Meanwhile, the Full Moon of the 13th in your adventure sector, just as Mars hits your play sector has you coming over all restless; mid-month could work for a mini –break/holiday where you’re just after a carefree, good time to replenish your energy if you can manage it?
And how about Mars in your play/romance sector for a good time? You are confidently chasing up whatever love action turns you on –whether it’s you initiating or responding to some good old fashioned, hot blooded ardent pursuit; it’s good for the soul to be in the game. This applies to revving up your existing relationship or, if single taking a risk on some new crush?
And I’ve got to tell you that regardless of love this is an awesome time to take a gamble on believing in your most brilliant, innate talent in the world. If you’ve got it, flaunt it and don’t be scared to hustle up any attention that comes from just charging around doing whatever you do damn well and no apologies. Yes, it could be that simple when it comes to getting ahead.
Image: Vogue, November 1960. Photographer Leombruni-Bodi