2017 is HERE and the JANUARY SCOPES are UP!

So was 2016 a weirdo cracker of a year or what? But never fear, it's 2017 now and I think it just might be a good one...
We've been shaken up enough to understand the value of genuine innovation, transformation and moving beyond any redundant old assumptions/scenarios (that weren't working anyway), the better to embrace our highest visions for a wonderful, liberated, positive new chapter (both personally and collectively); I mean things are changing anyway so why the hell not aim high?
This is going to take courage, integrity and brazen optimism; but we have lucky, idealistic Jupiter in league with maverick, rebellious Uranus and own-your-shizz-the-better-to-transform-it Pluto; all grounded by pragmatic Saturn - we can do this!
We also have the magical-realist inspiration of Mars/Neptune early month, Mercury direct by the 10th to help us make sense of things and bitch Lilith with Chiron the healer all month to help us to keep it authentic and emotionally healthy.
And a sexy, intimacy focused Cancer Full Moon on the12th for our beautiful personal connections, then a cool New Moon in futuristic Aquarius just as Mars hits his stride in Aries on the 28th, lending us the fierce momentum to keep a keen eye on the fab prospects of the rest of the year...
And we're also heading into the Chinese year of the Rooster from Feb 2017 -Rooster energy is good old strutting our stuff and gorgeous, curious, confident personal moxy for a good time!
See the full January horoscope for your sign here.
Let's enjoy this one, Happy New Year x