Mars into your love sector from the 9th means someone hot/ardent/determined to woo you -and really means it- could be about to be coming at you fast! Leo mating season is actually pretty fired up until the end of January so more libidinous and luckily even more in demand than usual, just so you know…
Ok and it also means that certain connections/relationships generally could be vibing rather more tetchy/aggro than usual, so you want to watch that and resist the considerable temptation to let your buttons be pressed/temper triggered too easily. But mostly this is super affirming, energised moxy to fire up key partnerships in your life to optimal potential.
Because Neptune and the South Node are unearthing your deepest, most convoluted, entrenched and gnarly ‘issues’ around intimacy, sex, money and vulnerability. Yep, any deep dark shizz/unconscious drives going on here are about to be triggered for sure! Good, the better to clear the air and energise the North Node to push your personal growth/individuation forward with maximum self-awareness.
Genuine self acceptance and comfortability in your own skin (not quite the same as the usual Leo bravado, lol), is what’s going to drive you forward this month, ground your grand plans into reality and hopefully make you lots of coin along the way (it is happening in your income sector and all)…
Venus into your day-job sector from the 12th helpfully shines a light on your talent in the workplace –and when Venus hits up Pluto around the 25th you really align with your own power to make some transformative career decision on your own terms-stay clear about this, huh?