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The New Moon of the 1st is backed by lucky Jupiter –and in your sex money sector, so the month begins with an awesome new confidence in the libidinous fish mojo! Which is great for grabbing any sexy opportunities in love, sex, advantageous biz/money deals and/or wiggling out of any tedious entanglements with a spunky lust for personal freedom… I’ve got a feeling you’re going to love October…

And then the Full Moon of the 16th is a chance to take all this inspiration and use it to radically innovate the income/how you earn your coin/how you spend it. It’s a restless, maverick energy for sure, so do try to focus it productively as much as possible, as opposed charging off on some loony, hair brained scheme, yes?

Meanwhile, Your ruling planet, mysterious Neptune, is heading closer toward a hook up with the spooky South Node of old karmic shizz in your sign all month… You’re untangling some kind of ghosts-from-Pisces-past, and hopefully with a healthy attitude of refining, transcending and use this deeper awareness of where you’re coming from, the better to aim more accurately toward where you’re heading to, future wise and move forward already! This is such a productive process, if you keep it consciously intentional.

One of the rewards of this is the Destiny Point in your partnership sector, where you might just nail some cool new direction in an existing partnership, or if single a cute clue about the next contender?

And the Venus/Lilith hook up in your adventure sector around the 6th is a fab chance at some potent opportunities in academia/publishing, long distance travel plans, a more visionary attitude toward your biggest, most expansive potential in the world. Don’t compromise on this new moxy, huh?

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