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Lucky Jupiter has just commenced a 12 month transit of your sign, where you’re living larger, taking more healthy, life affirming risks on your own gorgeousness and believing more fab things are possible than you have for a while… so it’s time to get used to having more fun, and an easier trot for a whole year!

So the Jupiterian New Moon of the 1st is a brilliant, auspicious kick-start re this, and setting you up for a beautifully expansive October. An open-minded spirit of adventure –where you thrive on your own, free spirited terms-answerable to no-one, thank you very much- is your new buzz and you’re ready to embrace it right now!

Then the Full Moon of the 16th helps, with a wildly liberating vibe in your key relationships. You want space to breathe, where you get your crazy groove on sans control freakery from lovers/loved ones because they just accept and adore you no matter what? Well you’re going to have to give them the same unconditional consideration in return, yes? That subtle iron fist in velvet glove relationship control freakery you usually get away with, with that sweety pie smile of yours (admit it, lol) …might have to fall by the wayside for the moment? Mid month is great for all kinds of inspiring new romantic attitudes and shaking up all your connections with a freer way of doing things. This is gonna be fun!

And then the month ends with a genius New Moon in your income sector on the 31st, triggering inspirational Neptune in your work sector. It’s a sweet clue about a new way of making coin from doing something that actually turns you on creatively… nice one.

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