September is here and the scopes are up.
It's a cracker of a month, and the only way through it is forward...
The Solar Eclipse in Virgo on the 1st wakes us up to pay the fuq attention awareness of where we are.
Jupiter into Libra from the 9th open our eyes to where we're going -hint, with Venus in also in Libra, then Scorpio, relationships, love and human interaction are becoming way more important...
September 17th-19th in particular, where Venus and Mars hook up right after an emotionally liberating Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, is fab for claiming our romantic/relational turf- one way or the other.
Mercury retrograde has us on our toes-yes misunderstandings might happen but if we stay sharp we can work through whatever comes up with our best, suave communicative genius...
Mars roaring forward in Sag has our libidinous, adventurous moxy way the fuq on and we aint taking any shizz/working for the man/kowtowing to any toxic dominant paradigm -We Are Free!
Then Mars into biz-head Capricorn just as explosive Pluto powers direct around the 27th is time to really get our shizz together and pragmatically embracing big transformation. Not to mention the Saturn/Neptune square alerting us to the profound power of magical manifestation IF we're willing to put the proper, hard yakka work ethic in.
Survival of the fittest, most adaptable and most integral is on. Holding an internal locus of power and taking responsibility for walking our talk in the world is the everything...
Happy September x