Hallelujah to Mars finally rocking forward in your sign- from August 3rd-late September, after messing with your mind all bloody year!
It’s been frustrating having Mars-the seat of sexy personal power, dithering around between introverted shamanic self-mastery and go-gettem, extrovert self confidence for the last 7 months. You’ve been so busy trying to figure out whether the traffic lights of your life are on go green or stop red or who-fuq-knows orange -it’s enough to drive you to drink or some kind of tantrum (any excuse, lol).
But you know what, Saturn in the background has been quietly keeping you on the straight and narrow, and whether you realize it or not you have been effectively banging away at some agenda that is so profoundly important to you; and yes you are making way more progress than you’re currently giving yourself credit for. You will look back on this phase and say wow, that’s when I nailed the productive self-discipline thing and it totally changed my life for the better…
So to this end Mars in your sign for the next two months makes a more energised, motivated you; where everything is sexier, more exciting, rewarding and worth it. You cut the crap, remember that it’s your birthright to live large and get on with it-so good!
Not to mention a nice rush of limbic firepower to get your libido back on, and perhaps give chase to whatever romantic adventure is calling your name? Yes, it’s time to align with the courage of your convictions when it comes to sexual attraction-if you want someone, or want to drive a certain connection forward? The next two months are absolutely time to get onto it, ready or not.
Meanwhile, the New Moon of the 3rd is reminder to feed your dreams with a keen eye on your most adventurous long-term goals-always. And then Venus into your biz sector from the 6th is about some freakily successful career moves (especially around the 15th and 28th) based on your sheer, brilliant talent and shameless self-promotion-switch on the charm and dress the part for maximum impact.
Rock on little rockstar, the momentum-and your moxy- is back!
Image: Darryl Hannah by Helmut Newton