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The New Moon of the 7th, in your biz sector is a cracker! Venus brings any native talent, creative brilliance and self-expressive mojo beating in your fiery Leo heart to the forefront of your current career prospects.

I mean you’re no shrinking violet, and not scared of the whole shameless self-promotion thing at the best of times, and right now is peak opportunity to own it. You have an amazing raw talent, you know it; and now is the time to test that conviction by letting the rest of the world about is as well. You’re in full show-off, professional confidence mode and it becomes you!

And for goodness sake, you also have lucky Jupiter in your earning sector right now! It’s retrograde, so you’re more about finessing fiscal strategies for the moment than taking any loony risks on some hare-brained scheme; but if you take the time to workshop a bold new biz move with sufficient planning –you could be onto something potentially really lucrative with time. Believe it.

And Pluto in your day-job sector says the price of bigger income is a pretty major, transformative overhaul of the daily regime. Fierce, workhorse discipline, serious hours at the ‘office’ or wherever and an empowered attitude to any politics in the workplace is just the beginning. You are also being asked to step way outside your comfort zone in terms of what you do. If its time to consider a bold new career trajectory, whole new industry to excel in, an honest re-appraisal of your core competency- the better to move toward your most ideal niche in the world, now would be the time to be inspired by this. Excellent.

And on this note the Full Moon of the 22nd is a lovely creative awakening. You take the time to get any arty techniques right, and enjoy playing with the flow of inspiration as it comes. Which includes love. You might be playing around with some interesting, on again/off again flirtation, or discovering new romantic oxygen within an existing partnership? Cool –any outcomes re this present themselves by August.

Image: Mario Sorrenti

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