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“You be you and I'll be me, today and today and today, and let's trust the future to tomorrow. Let the stars keep track of us. Let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies!” Jerry Spinelli

It seems that getting your love life as sane, emotionally intelligent and stable as possible right now is the best way to make space for the cool inspiration, and crazy possibilities presenting themselves re the Gemini career.

So Saturn in your partnership sector/Neptune in your biz sector is either:

  1. You’re genuinely in love, and ready to cut any crap re this and honour the connection with some clear commitment. Doing this makes you immediately calm, and you relax into an easy love life… the better to focus upon the strange and promising vocational developments currently on your horizon.

  2. You’re in a tricky love thing, but rather than skizz out over does he/she luv me or not or whatever, you sort out your own emotional boundaries re this, get over the illusion that you can control anything other than your own attitude; and reclaim all the energy you could have spent angsting over romantic unknowns into exploring the strange and promising vocational developments currently on your horizon.

  3. You’re solo and you hate it. You want to meet someone… go focus upon the strange and promising vocational developments currently on your horizon, and instantly you are statistically more likely to find a potential soul mate! True.

  4. You’re solo and you’re fine with that, for the moment. Good. All the more energy to devote to the strange and promising vocational developments currently on your horizon, and professionally thrive.

Meanwhile, could a new home, geographical location or domestic scenario be calling your name right now? Yes, between now and June you nail a fresh, more sense of what home means to you. Trust this!

Image: Paolo Roversi


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