Lucky you to have the primary astro action of Feb in Virgo home turf -your favourite 6th house of healthy, wealthy & wise wellbeing.
I mean you relish a bit of control freakery over your life to get the details right, tidy up your schedule, finesse the work ethic and disciplined health regime/diet. The better to stay squeaky clean, productive & feel radiantly alive in the world –this is your thing!
So it kind of goes like this:
Venus involved till the 26th has you driven by brilliant creative inspo, charm & self-promotion to manifest success doing stuff you are genuinely good at in the world.
But also your ruler Mercury, retrograde till the 21st brings the usual glitches, tech issues & misunderstandings, so ideally no signing contracts or forcing things just yet. So even if it just feels like tedious problem solving for a while, it’s worth it to finesse the plan, and all schmick & onto it by the end of the month.
Meanwhile Venus/Saturn around the 6th really drills down on the challenging yet productive discipline required this month, so best take a deep breath and deal with it.
Then the New Moon of the 12th is way more inspiring; with a fresh perspective on your plans, and Venus conjunct lucky Jupiter to bring clear, expansive confidence to follow through with a spectacularly positive attitude!
Your manifesting power is bang on right now, and I’m just saying any challenges, and the flexible ingenuity required to deal with them could be exactly what makes you such a diligent success machine.
Then Venus into your love sector from the 25th brings your attention to love & romance. Which has dreamy Neptune in your love sector pulling together a smoking hot Mars/Pluto trine. I mean the sexy vibes here could be soulmate level connection or wildly delusional, or both lol; it’s bound to be weird, wonderful & interesting on some level…
And just in time for the Virgo Full Moon of the 27th opposite Venus, where the feelings are rising up big time! You ideally balance the passionate emo with your best emotional intelligence, and suave relating skills to keep it real.
Image: unable to find original credit for this beautiful picture