The Full Moon, Total Solar Eclipse of Dec 4th is a big emotional reveal in your home/personal sector. As in feelings come to the surface with family dynamics, co-habs & shacked up lovers, ready or not. So thank goodness your clever ruler, Mercury is involved to talk things through-communication is key here, for optimum domestic harmony.
I mean this is perfect, because do admit you love a chat, lol. I mean never mind your reputation as a rigid control freak; truth be told you are exquisitely skilled at working out the subtleties of personal dynamics -and hard to shut you up once you start sharing your feelings. This is actually a wonderful thing right now, just so you know.
Because by the time Mars turns up from Dec 14th, everyone in your personal life (including you) is fully riled up to express themselves. Great for passionate, authentic connection but also could become combative IF you didn’t have some constructive dialogues already going on -know what I mean?
And helpfully, you are absolutely loving the Venus/Pluto action, exact in your playful, confident self-expression sector all month, as follows:
-Venus lushes up your creative talent, to finesse whatever you enjoy doing and shameless self promotion in the world. One minute you are playing with some cool skill you adore, just for fun; the next minute Pluto brings game changing, lucrative opportunities to make coin doing it. And the reality check (with Saturn in your work sector), is that you better be fuqing good at it and it better feel meaningful to you, of course.
-Venus lushes up romance, suddenly it’s so easy to do flirty, sweet talk with your lover or some cutie on the scene -then bam, Pluto reveals deep, passionate, game changing connection at warp speed. Watch out who you are vibing with right now-could get delightfully sexy & real one way or the other! This is so much more likely to be fabulous than not…
Especially lucky Jupiter into your love sector, from Dec 29th till March, picks up on the kind of love bliss Jupiter teased you with back in May. So whatever promising relationship/romantic dynamics became stalled just as they were blossoming mid year-are now back & moving forward! Full blown, deliciously positive, Virgo mating season coming up…
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 19th is in your biz/career sector, in fab aspect with lucky Jupiter in your day job sector. This is where you get your best instincts about the perfect gig, that balances professional success with a fulfilling, fun lifestyle & personal life. Nice one.
Image: Maya Stepper forr Brydie Mack