So sexy Mars, midway through several months in your home turf; the sexy 8th house of sex/intimacy/financial entanglements is quite the turn on this month.
Of course Mars retrograde till mid Jan does require emotional discipline, to finesse the subtle dynamics and managing any passions rising up in your closest relationships. Which is your natural thing of course: with your famous, exquisitely acute psycho-sexual & financially genius wiles…
Especially around the Full Moon of Dec 8th, exactly conjunct Mars. Trine Saturn in your domestic sector, for a clear sense of how to handle family dynamics and shacked up love.
Your instincts are bang on; about being true to your own feelings and understand what your lover is on about, with beautiful integrity to be patient with one another for a deeper love, if you happen to be involved? And maybe cultivate a loving home together, if that kind of thing is going on? Or accurately assess any new attraction…that may be slow burn promising?
I mean with Uranus/Destiny Point in your partner sector, love chemistry is radical & maybe exciting. You get sudden revelations about how each other feel, or even sudden changes in your marital/dating status. Or some wild new romance to consider?
But instead of being triggered or reactive, you stay cool and consider emotionally intelligent solutions. To move forward with the people who reveal the kind of loyalty you value, the better to swiftly evolve together. Or swiftly ditch any batshit crazy crush or toxic relationships, before they do your head in even more?
Also take the time to get biz/money negotiations/familial politics right.
I mean any tedious delays or misunderstandings could trigger your (do admit) paranoid tendency to power trip the situation. But no, as I explained in detail last month -initiating conflict/toxic control freakery is bound to fuq you up. But lurking in the background, quietly scheming advantageous schemes to get ahead financially; ideally win-win success with whoever you are dealing with is gold right now. You are so good at this kind of thing of course, as such a dark horse success machine. Fabulous!
Meanwhile positive, confident Jupiter hanging around retro then direct in your talent/self expression sector for the last few months, has you totally brilliant by now; with a clear sense of whatever you are really, truly good at and how to show off about it in the world.
So you are fully prepared, for Jupiter charging into your work/day job sector from Dec 21st. For the next few months you are so onto leveraging your genius to professional advantage.
I mean the healer Chiron, in your work sector may have you questioning your effectiveness, to manifest your dreams in the world? And Jupiter turning up is perfect to ignite your self assured, fuq-off confidence; to know you fully deserve to shine, just because you are in full integrity of being amazing on your own terms. Especially to the extent you have radically positive, healthy habits going on; for the kind of lifestyle that fosters well-earned success.
So if you feel the momentum picking up, to embrace your full potential in the world-yes, you are ready to thrive!
Image: unable to find original credit for this gorgeous picture.