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Lucky Jupiter direct, exact on Pluto power from Nov 8th in your health/work/lifestyle sector is such exuberant energy rising up, for a super productive month.

You get that the high frequency Qi that comes from a dynamic, disciplined exercise/wellbeing regime, including getting out in the life force of nature as often as possible is the bomb. Because it’s time to feel amazing & full of physical zest-just because it’s so damn good to embrace the challenge & thrill of feeling truly alive right now…

And also to channel your positive, enthusiastic work ethic effectively on the day job-especially with restless Uranus in your biz sector to shake things up. May be renewed motivation to leverage your current gig/professional project to next level success? Or if you’ve been bored with the daily grind -this could be the gutsy determination to take a calculated, confident risk on some promising new career manoeuvre to embrace a new path?

Either way you’re all fired up to thrive, not only financially but also hustling the lifestyle you want to live with the correct work/life balance. The cliché of doing something that turns you on means you never work another day in your life, or of working to live rather than living to work/wage slavery is so relevant here-and it looks like you’re nailing it!

And the New Moon in your domestic sector of the 15th is lovely, fresh perspective on your home life & personal life, to remind you that loves ones/family/an inspiring domestic sanctuary are the most important thing, and what you’re ultimately working for…

And a solid home base sets you up nicely for Mars direct from mid Nov, in your adventure sector of meaningful, expansive life plans. The more you are grounded in a healthy, nurturing home life the more you can spread your wings & fly free to reach your full potential in the world yes?

And Venus into your home sector from the 22nd is great for sweet domestic harmony –including shacked up, cosy romance with your partner/lover/potential new dating interest?

Image: unable to find original credit for this fab picture.


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