So lets talk about the big astro right now, the grand conjunction of Jupiter &Saturn in your love/relationship sector. It’s the perfect storm of wanting the magnificently generous, passionate, open hearted love you adore (thank you Jupiter), with Saturn also insisting you kind of clarify the rules of engagement with clear boundaries & confirming the quality of commitment you are dealing with.
So loved ones/partner/lovers/potential connections are coming at you big time, with your magnetic attraction mojo more powerful than ever-grrr you dig the attention & chance to love like you mean it of course.
But also the romantic dynamic may be veering between positive, exuberant chemistry to light up your life and a kind of demanding, nagging, even tedious reality check to figure out exactly where you stand. I mean it’s definitely game changing, powerful mating season, one way or the other right?
And it’s worth pointing out that Mars into your career sector from the 7th hooks into this, bringing biz relationships into equal focus. You want to get your professional connections right this month!
Because Mars/Uranus in the second half of Jan bring wild, unexpected opportunities to advance yourself in the world. It’s brilliant & so unbelievably promising but not exactly stable or predictable as such. So to the extent you are navigating weird, ambitious new scenarios kind of outside your comfort zone, it pays to have solid, supportive biz relationships to back you up huh?
Also Pluto/Venus are doing such lucrative things in your work sector around the 29th, where the sheer excellence of your natural talent on the day job can monetise at warp speed if you get it right. Yes it’s time to manifest wealth with your most powerful, positive intentions ever.
Meanwhile the sexy chemistry of Pluto/Venus is just in time for the Leo Full Moon of the 29th, in exact, incandescent alignment with lucky Jupiter in your love/relationship sector! Any feelings going on with special loved ones reveal themselves with full, positive clarity here. You basically get over gnarly old issues or resentments from the past because you realize they’re naff, the better to embrace big, gorgeous, unconditional love with the people you adore-and adore you right back for your delicious affection & emotional generosity. Go on – I dare you to keep it sweet for best results x
New Year Resolution: I am a success machine if I keep my flamboyant, brilliant ambition real with healthy, wealthy & wise daily habits. I get to take a calculated risk on my wildest dreams because I back myself with proper discipline-magical manifesting is my thing!
Image: Laine Fraser